


Learn techniques for sketching, drawing, and colouring in pencil. Students will follow the instructor in step-by-step lessons on how to draw various subjects. Students will gain a better awareness of simple perspective and proportion, gain more precise fine motor control, and observation skills.

This class focuses on drawing in pencils. If you are looking for a more general class where students do a combination of drawing, painting, and crafty stuff, check out Drawing & Painting or Mixed Media.

Supplies to bring

  • Drawing pad or sketchbook, preferably 9 x 12 inches or larger

  • Pencil, eraser, and sharpener

  • Pencil crayon set (Staedtler brand recommended, at least 36 colours. Example) Please label with student’s name.


All prices are subject to GST, and a non-refundable 3% registration fee.

  • Sketching (Wednesdays 5:15pm, 7-10 yrs)

    On Wednesday from 5:15 PM to 6:15 PM.

    From 4/10/2024 until 6/26/2024 (12 weeks, $324)

    Instructor: Haley

  • Sketching (Thursdays 5:15pm, 7-10 yrs)
    On Thursday from 5:15 PM to 6:15 PM.

     From 4/11/2024 until 6/20/2024 (11 weeks, $297)
    Instructor: Haley

  • Sketching (Sundays 1:30pm, 7-10 yrs)

     On Sunday from 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM.

     From 4/14/2024 until 6/23/2024 (10 weeks, $270)

    Instructor: Haley


Spring registration opens on February 19, 2024.

Register on Amilia on Feb 19 >>


Student work from past classes

Drawings from real life (still life drawings), made by students ranging from 8-10 years.

Raccoon drawings by 8 & 9 year old students.

Fruit bowls with shading, by 9 and 10 year old students!

By 7 year old student

Chrysanthemum drawings by students aged 7 and 8. We talked about the concept of overlap - a petal closer to us overlaps and covers parts of other petals. Students also practiced drawing petals that flip over.

Chrysanthemum drawings by students aged 7 and 8. We talked about the concept of overlap - a petal closer to us overlaps and covers parts of other petals. Students also practiced drawing petals that flip over.

Koi fish drawings in charcoal and soft pastels, by a 7 and 9 year old.

Koi fish drawings in charcoal and soft pastels, by a 7 and 9 year old.