Watercolour Painting

Watercolour Painting


This course covers watercolour painting techniques. Students will learn to bring their drawings to life with a better understanding of colour, contrast, and form. They will also gain familiarity with the watercolour medium.

Supplies to bring

• Pencil, eraser, and sharpener

• Watercolour set. Please label with student’s name.
(Tubes, pan, or semi-moist, any type is fine.
Staedtler and Pentel are both affordable, trusted brands for tube sets.)


All prices are subject to GST, and a non-refundable 3% registration fee.

  • Watercolour Painting (Saturdays 2:15pm, 8-12 yrs)

    On Saturday from 2:15 PM to 3:15 PM.

    From 4/13/2024 until 6/22/2024 (10 weeks, $270)

    Instructor: Anna

There is no class on May 18-20 (Victoria Day weekend).


Registration opens on February 19, 2024.

Register on Amilia >>


Student work from past classes
